We arrived in Madrid yesterday (Tuesday, Dec. 4) morning after flying all day and night from Oregon. It was a long trip, but rather smooth and Maddy and Max did very well. They are great travelers! They even slept for 4-5 hours on the overnight from Philadelphia to Madrid. Jen and I did not sleep much unfortunately. We managed to stay awake until 9-10 PM last night, but now it is 4 AM Wednesday and we are both wide awake. And hungry! Our bodies think it is dinner time! Oh well, we'll adjust in a day or two!
This was Max's first time flying and he loved it. He enjoyed watching out the window as we took off, landed, etc. It was dark a lot of the time so he didn't get to see much from the plane, but he will on the way home.

There are musicians and street performers everywhere near Puerta del Sol.

There was a "human statue" with an elaborate Don Quixote costume mounted on a horse that would "ride" if you tossed some money into a tube hooked up to him. He was almost like a carnival machine.

good morning longshores!
it is SO exciting to see the photos and hear about your trip.... glad to hear max enjoyed the flight, it can be overwhelming... jen, i thought about you all morning as i looked out the window, wondering if you were going to take off from medford. how did you spend the 4 hrs. in denver?
same ole same ole here...looking forward to the next blog
we love you
berylie and johnny
well hello there happy traveling longshores!! hope you are enjoying all the street fairs and odd food and the wash of languages around you. say hello to Ian when you see him!!
buen suerte!
Hi Longshores.
Glad to hear your adventure is getting off to a great start. This will be a wonderful experience for you all, but especially for Maddy and Max. Slainte!
The Clovis Kellys
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